Monday, August 1, 2011

This weekend I went camping with some friends up in the mountains and I had a few odd things happen to me.

So the first thing I saw was that we were pulled over on the side of the road and I was sitting around looking at the landscape and I kept noticing this huge yellow butterfly. Every now in then I would see it fly into the road and it scared me because there was so much traffic that was driving 65 miles per hour on the road. Well after awhile I noticed it got hit and was laying out in the middle of the road. I ran out to go pick up it's body so it wouldn't keep getting mangled by the cars. I was wondering, why on earth is this silly butterfly doing this? First thought that came into mind was, "sacrifice". Maybe that is was it was symbolizing. I stuck him in my journal of thoughts.

The second thing that happened to me was in the truck. We were almost to our destination and I had my window rolled down and peeking out into the fields where all of the cows were and all of a sudden the same species of butterfly flew right into the window and whacked me right on the forehead. He was still alive so I picke dhim up and he flew back out the window. Maybe, this was a sign of trying to scream out to me. I don't know...maybe I was thinking about to much of something and not just relaxing enough.

I will still meditate on these little events and figure out some more answers

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